
Aradhana Foundation is one of the eminent non-profit organizations engaged in providing a better future to the underprivileged children and women. We make efforts to reduce the miseries faced by the children in nation's urban and rural parts. Education is the basis of development; thus, we provide education to poor, needy and financially weak children in order to enhance their as well as the future of the country.
We at Aradhana vowed to put an end to the widespread violation of people’s fundamental rights, especially of women and children residing in the slums of metropolitan cities as well as in rural belt of India. We aim to empower them through education and employment by implementing models of development that are tailored to the needs of the community. Our organization is dedicated to work for the overall improvement of underprivileged communities including their education, sanitation, health, income generation, fundamental awareness and other major issues, so that they can compete and come at-par with this fast-growing community.
- To educate the poverty-stricken children;
- Facility of clean water, sanitation and hygiene among slum areas;
- Health awareness programmes and camps for local communities;
- Vocational and skill training programmes & placements for women empowerment;
- Facilitate livelihood programmes to empower the poor and the marginalized.
Our main objective is empowerment of underprivileged by offering education, awareness and skill development. The main focus is rural and urban slum area, where mostly effected communities reside. Most of our projects inclined towards Education, Development of children, women and marginalized people, Empowerment of women, Clean Water & Proper Sanitation, Skill Development Programmes.
- Transparency & accountability.
- Giving back to the society.
- We views every entity as equal stakeholder in the process of development.
- Value and respect every community.
- Team work is the key of success.
- Concentrated on the receiver’s dignity instead of the donor’s pride.